Provision for the Vision

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Helping people to connect with Jesus so they can live a meaningful life…

I wrote the book Good Fish Bad Fish(GFBF) as a resource to help people discover real life in Christ and avoid wasting their lives. This is what the Bible calls, discipleship. Discipleship and maturity take place through RELATIONSHIP and REVELATION.

The message of GFBF contains the necessary REVELATION to discover and grow, but when we study it together we experience discipleship the way God intended for us to - in RELATIONSHIP.

I have had some ask me if they could help make the dreams come true. I am not a 501c3 so there is not a tax benefit for giving toward the cost of these things, but the vision is larger than can be accomplished alone so I welcome any partnership that could help get the message out.

My dreams are to

1. See 1000 people get the book and 100 churches/small groups use the book to introduce the Good News and grow through discipleship.

2. Create an Audible version to broaden opportunity of the message.

3. Translate the book into Spanish or another language to help missionaries walk new believers into maturity.

We are already giving away 1 book to ministers who request it through the website. This is just another way to get the message to the ones who are already fishing for men. Thank you for your prayers and consideration in helping the message of GFBF transform hearts and lives.