Grasshoppers or Bread for Us? - The Secret Power of Giving Thanks

Giving thanks always strengthens our faith, but especially in the face of intimidating disheartening news. It’s the path to victory.

The word, “disheartened”, creates a picture in my mind. I’ve seen people so disheartened it affected them physically. It’s like the blood and strength had drained out of them and all that is left is a frail deathly pale sorrowful countenance.

There are a lot of disheartening things going on today. It is easy to identify with Israel after they heard ten fear inspiring reports of what Moses and God had been calling, “The Promised Land.” They saw themselves as grasshoppers and the enemy as undefeated giants. They were disheartened.

They meditated on the worst case scenario through the night and complained in the hearts until they even wept in regret for leaving their place of bondage, Egypt.

But there were two other reports that said, God has given us this land! Let’s take it! The enemy will be like bread for us!

This confidence was not unfounded. It was from a faith that developed in the hearts of two men who meditated on God’s Word to them. They were able to see the best cased scenario...the over and above all they could think or imagine scenario. We find out later in the story of Rahab, the entire population of giants trembled in seeing God’s children approach the border.

Freedom was purchased by the blood and body of Christ and He offers it to us as a gift. It’s free, but it’s not automatic. Freedom takes faith. God had told Israel they had a part in receiving their Promised Land. But the book of Hebrews tells us, they hardened their hearts to God’s Word.

When we meditate on the news of the day we are slowly disheartening our own hearts. We will be unprepared to believe God.

Faith pleases God. It doesn’t just come. We see faith, absolute trust, and resolute courage develop when we meditate on God’s Word to us.

Let’s believe together by thanking Him throughout our day!

Thanksgiving is an antidote for a distracted, self defeating, God doubting heart and mind.

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16 NLT

Peace to you.

Pastor Kevin Casey